Rosary Is Offensive Is Wearing A Rosary As A Necklace Considered Sacrilegious?
Is wearing a rosary as a necklace considered sacrilegious? - rosary is offensive
I had a number of antiques, the work as a necklace and said she abolished, because the Catholics in the office was as offensive. Has anyone else heard?
I am a Catholic and I do not think sacrilege. It harms no one, but now when they r Nice sacrilegious or something then a picture of Jesus with an AK-47 and a cigarette, but the rosary as a necklace is not sacreligous
but to see what happens when it said that wearing a burqa at a strip club in the middle of Detroit Muslims .... Not offensive at all ....
oh ps: where are also together in a church or a convent school as Catholics, to see your clothes in bad taste? "Rome or costumes altar in the Diocese of Los Angeles, perhaps? Figure" Go, right? "
Yes, I am an agnostic, a Catholic, but I think it is insulting. You must respect other religions, but not a believer. This article saints are not only used in an old place ... unless you are doing to make a point or finished in the art.
Religion can be hurtful to Catholics, but not others.
It was unpleasant, and I would remove the element.
If Madonna can lead to someone ..... can go .... .... Are you a girl or boy?
Religion is just a bunch of superstition Hokey anyway - what do you want your pearls!
Among sacred symbol of somebody and wear it as jewelry for the fashion looks just a bit sticky and could as offensive to Catholics because it is an item for prayer.
Among sacred symbol of somebody and wear it as jewelry for the fashion looks just a bit sticky and could as offensive to Catholics because it is an item for prayer.
Perhaps they were offended because you are using a Catholic symbol, but you are not Catholic.
Many workplaces and schools do not give all your jewelry as this can cause problems. It's drastic, but a sign of the times.
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