28138 Anyone Care To Read Politico's Reason On Why Obama Won The Nobel Peace Prize?

Anyone care to read Politico's reason on why Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize? - 28138

You are here: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/100 ...

It seems that the Norwegian Parliament had a hand in the dough. And if that is true, then this means that the Parliament of Norway, something that they are afraid to come .............. found political life in America.

My advice to you: Do not use a cup.


scaerdry... said...

Wow. Shock. Obama won for political reasons, not to earn.
Why did you come to the U.S. policy? I thought Norway was a happy country!

^&SDS said...

Be people who were in this county wanted the money for him, Obama embrace its global platform. This is interpreted for many conservatives as the United States will sacrifice their position in the world around him for the world of government. I do not think that this is the case here, Obama received the award in the hope that the return of Bush cowboy diplomacy "and return to global stability. Obama given to his ideals, in the hope of influencing them to To make a better world

barry said...

Now that Obama is a bribe em?

to sell another blank check from our government?

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