Can I Nurse My Husband Can You Reassure Me That My Husband Can Sue My Nurse And Win Money To Care For The Family After I Die?

Can you reassure me that my husband can sue my nurse and win money to care for the family after I die? - can i nurse my husband

I'm waiting a few days until I am busy with staff to change the amount of my tax audit, so you can get a higher salary next week, have talked, but I'm sure that's what I want, and you can win. I am sure that my doctor understands me and supports the nurse does not return calls for a change in medication, which I ask. It is somewhat unusual that the doctor let me know if I need to change either, so it's not a little lacking. If I commit suicide, is the fault of the nurse and I am sure that my husband did not sue when I die. Thus reassured me that I would win something.


pr0ph3t1... said...

1. When suicide is your fault.

2. By posting this question to confirm that the intention should commit fraud, you hope that nobody notices that you sent this item if you go kill yourself and decide to blame a nurse. They know not how to pay the life insurance policy on suicide because it is a scam? Yes, even here.

3. Who is responsible for your health: Check with your doctor, nurse, or you? Answer: You. If you do not like the treatment they receive, a new doctor.

We can not guarantee that what you ask. In fact, what you say, it seems pretty clear that her husband when they tried to care would continue to lose.

laughter... said...

Suicide is an intermediate cause of death, which means that before any cause is the legal cause of death. Therefore, the only legal cause of his death will be to act, and any attempt to cash will fail by a third party again.

Question... said...

If you take your life, you can not continue to maintain and win.

NOW Get Off Your Butt and solve their problems.
You and only you have the power to resolve their problems, and until you can solve with your doctor or nurse and the husband or God himself, not for you.

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