Electronic Breast Pump What Is The Best Breast Pump?

What is the best Breast Pump? - electronic breast pump

I have my second child and unfortunately I could not breastfeed my first. I wondered why electronic breast pump u think works best? Not able to afford a 300, but the pump 200 would be nice


A Mom of a beautiful baby girl said...

I love my Avent Isis. I think it's only $ 170 and its wonderful. There was no milk flows through pipes and clean. The pump clicked at the top of the bottle was too big. Do not clean too. I have had great success with this pump, and I am glad that this is the only one that I purchased.

A Mom of a beautiful baby girl said...

I love my Avent Isis. I think it's only $ 170 and its wonderful. There was no milk flows through pipes and clean. The pump clicked at the top of the bottle was too big. Do not clean too. I have had great success with this pump, and I am glad that this is the only one that I purchased.

moonfair... said...

I use a Medela Pump in style and works very well. I can pay $ 300 a pump, but when I saw the hospital lactation consultant, said he would put together my insurance and pay them. Fibbed a bit and she told me she had inverted nipples, but the insurance company paid for the bomb in its entirety and was delivered to my home two days later. It is worthwhile to ask your local lactation consultant to examine the question for you. The bomb, albeit expensive fabulous. Good luck.

Wendy S said...

I like the brand Medela pumps that allow its use in the clinic. You can also, if you only can rent WIC. That is what I read in this direction had not had to sit with a bomb to collect dust when you are ready to use. They give the team goes with it (to the hospital, bottles, tubes, etc.)

bryn said...

I heard the Medela is really good, so much power. However, I've also read / heard wonderful things Lansinoh Manual Breast Pump - babiesrus I read tons of reviews on products and target.com. Note that you can rent pumps from the hospital or you can check craigslist and buy a used one - so make sure you give a new direction, to make clean and sanitary.

Cherry Blossom said...

Medela advanced all the way. It is located about 300 $, but worth every penny.

Try to find a find on craigslist used. Just be sure to get a few new pieces for him. You can use the Medela website.

Kapiira said...

I have a Medela Pump In Style for several months. It works well and I recommend it. Here you can find good prices on ebay (new or used).

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